The Systems for Action intramural team explores the intersection of law enforcement and public health using National Longitudinal Survey of Public Health Systems (NALSYS) data. They investigate the...
The UCLA team put together a policy brief and infographic about their research project. The press release with links to the policy brief and infographic can be seen here.
The Systems for Action intramural team explores the dynamics of effective public health governing boards, especially in a critical time such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
Systems for Action research conducted by Drexel University studies the impact of a new model for achieving health and wellbeing through self-sufficiency programming. The Building Wealth and Health...
An editorial in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune announces the new S4A funding for the Glasser/Schoenbaum Human Services Center. "... the new study and the data it gathers will be particularly valuable for...
S4A researchers want to learn how effective the network of social service agencies is at helping the increasing number of people who need these organizations’ resources amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The Glasser/Schoenbaum Human Services Center will assess the capacity of social service organizations in Sarasota, FL to meet clients' needs during the COVID-19 pandemic in a two-year study. It is...
A newly awarded grant will expand on efforts to evaluate a Medicaid program launched in 2016 by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS): Whole Person Care (WPC). WPC aims to provide...
The research team at the University of Chicago is piloting a randomized controlled trial to establish and begin to evaluate a new model of care: the Comprehensive Care, Community and Culture Program...
A growing body of research demonstrates that networks of community organizations, working together, can have profound effects on the health trajectories and social determinants of health. Evidence...