Funding Opportunities

2024 Call for Proposals: Systems & Services Research to Address Systemic Racism 

This Funding Opportunity is no longer accepting applications. We are currently reviewing proposals.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation released a new research funding opportunity through the Systems for Action Research Program on December 13th, 2023. This year’s funding opportunity will award studies rigorously testing innovative approaches of helping medical, social and public health systems work together to dismantle systemic racism and address the health and social needs of people experiencing health inequities. Each study supported by the S4A program must examine a novel approach to systems alignment that engages partners from medical care, public health, and social services systems in collaborative efforts to dismantle structural and systemic racism and improve health equity. This 2024 Call for Proposals will provide funding for a new cohort of research studies to produce new, actionable evidence for aligning across the three systems to address systemic racism.

Applicants may but funded under one of two categories:

  • Developmental Studies (a pilot study)
  • Impact Studies (should have preliminary research results)

This funding opportunity is a two-stage proposal process. Letters of Intent (LOI) were due on February 7th, 2024. Invitations for full proposals were sent late March 2024, and full proposals were due on May 22, 2024.

View Funding Opportunity Brochure



Developmental Study LOI Template Impact Study LOI Template


Frequently Asked Questions

Please click here to read the 2024 CFP Frequently Asked Questions. If you do not find the answer to your questions on this page, you can email us at

Key Dates and Deadlines

  • February 7, 2024 (3 p.m. ET) Letter of intent deadline
  • March 25, 2024 Selected applicants notified of invitation to submit full proposal
  • May 22, 2024 (3p.m. ET) Full proposal deadline (no late applications will be accepted)
  • July 2024 Finalists notified of funding decisions
  • September 15, 2024 Grant start date


Funding From Our Partners

Evidence For Action

Evidence for Action is an investigator-initiated research program designed to support high-impact action-oriented research. We are interested in funding innovative approaches that will shed light on conditions that foster a Culture of Health. In the initial phase of funding, we are seeking proposals that guide action, open up new areas for inquiry, and facilitate future research. We are especially interested in research that will help develop the data and evidence necessary to improve health and equity in communities across the country.

Visit E4A


Policies For Action

Policies for Action (P4A) is a research program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) administered through the National Coordinating Center at the Urban Institute and in collaboration with five research hubs at Temple UniversityNew York Universitythe University of Illinois at Chicago together with Washington University at St. Louis, the University of Michigan, and the Urban Institute. Founded in 2015, the program funds research identifying policies, laws, and other regulatory tools in the public and private sectors that can support RWJF’s mission to build a Culture of Health.

Visit P4A