Estimated Staff Time Effort, Costs, and Medicaid Revenues for Coordinated Specialty Care Clinics Serving Clients With First-Episode Psychosis

Smith, Thomas E., Margaret Kurk, Rishi Sawhney, Yuhua Bao, Ilana Nossel, Dana E. Cohen, and Lisa B. Dixon. 2019. “Estimated Staff Time Effort, Costs, and Medicaid Revenues for Coordinated Specialty Care Clinics Serving Clients With First-Episode Psychosis”. Psychiatric Services.



An article published in Psychiatry Online entitled, "Estimated Staff Time Effort, Costs, and Medicaid Revenues for Coordinated Specialty Care Clinics Serving Clients With First-Episode Psychosis" addresses the need for novel payment schemes and other innovative, sustainable financing mechanisms for coordinated care for first-episode psychosis. The full article can be found here.

Last updated on 11/28/2022