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945 results found

Systems for Action Presentations at the 2021 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM)

To download a list of the Systems for Action presentations at the 2021 AcademyHealth Annual Research Program (ARM) in June, click here. Deena Brosi, MPH @DeenaBrosi Colorado School of Public Health Local Public Health System Capacity and Its Relationship to COVID-19 Mortality Patterns across the U.S...

PRESENTATION: Dr. Mays at Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Annual Meeting

Join more than 1,000 members of the healthcare community this November for two-and-a-half days of updates on the how scientists, patients, and other stakeholders are working together to make clinical research more useful and relevant. Hear from national thought leaders, researchers, patients, family...

Webinar: A Network View of Population Health Delivery Systems

Overview The delivery of population health services is a cross-sector effort that involves many different organizations in the community. While research has shown the collaborative nature of public health, very little has examined the relationship between community characteristics and the nature and...


The Systems for Action program has several research arms. Each arm serves a distinct purpose and has different aims, funding, and products. Grantee Research Projects Investigators across the nation develop proposals and apply for funding through annual Systems for Action funding opportunities. Each...

Integrating Health and Social Services through a Novel Independent Practice Association

Presenter Jonathan G. Shaw, MD, MS, Clinical Associate Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine Todd Wagner, PhD, Professor (Research) at the Department of Surgery, Stanford University School of Medicine, Elena Rosenbaum, MD, Medical Director, Healthy Alliance Register here

Health Reform Implementation and Comprehensive Population Health Systems

The Affordable Care Act began in 2011 to establish new resources and incentives for hospitals, insurers, public health agencies, and others to contribute to disease prevention and health promotion activities, potentially expanding the implementation of strategies that improve population health...

Individual Research Project-Michigan State University

This study evaluates Michigan’s Community Complex Care Response Team, a collaboration of three community agencies that provide services across the medical care, public health, and social and community services to decrease potential vulnerabilities and promote health, wellness, and independence in...