WEBINAR: State Dissemination and Implementation Strategies and LHD Accreditation Readiness & QI Maturity

Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 (All day)
Location: Lexington, KY United States

Quality improvement and accreditation readiness are intertwined for public health practice improvement. Local health departments engage in quality improvement and prepare for accreditation with varied and sometimes limited support from state-level partners. Research is lacking on how state-level initiatives and investments lead to differences in local-level quality improvement maturity and accreditation readiness. This analysis seeks to understand if state-level efforts to disseminate quality improvement practices impact the implementation of quality improvement efforts by local health departments and their readiness to become accredited. Read more about the study.>>

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Adam J. Atherly, PhD, University of Colorado; Lisa VanRaemdonck, MPH, MSW, Colorado Association of Local Public Health Officials (CALPHO), CO Public Health PBRN

Event Details

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