Addressing the social determinants of health is vital to improving individual and population health and advancing health equity. Research indicates that integrating health and social services is both...
Past Events
Event Date
March 29, 2018
Dr. Mays traveled to Columbus, Ohio to participate in a roundtable session held by Governing Magazine. Senior state and local health officials, practitioners from...
Low socioeconomic status and other social risk factors are linked to poor health outcomes and increased emergency department (ED) visits. Assessing and addressing these social risk factors can help...
As hospitals increase screenings for social determinants of health (SDOH), referrals to agencies which provide services to address these needs will also increase. The impact of this increase has not...
Event Date
February 6, 2018
Dr. Mays will attend the 2018 Academy Health National Health Policy Conference to participate in a policy roundtable session to examine the latest emerging...
The United States spends more money on healthcare than other developed countries, yet experiences significantly worse health outcomes. But, understanding healthcare spending alone is not enough. While...
Population and individual health are significantly influenced by social determinants that range from individuals’ knowledge and behaviors to community-level characteristics, resources, and conditions...
The prolonged activation of stress response systems among children responding to adversity such as homelessness, hunger, or neglect, is a predictor of poor health and continued poverty among low...
Homeless individuals experience a higher risk for mortality, chronic illness and mental health disorders, and are often high utilizers of healthcare. Since 2012, the Housing for Health (HFH)...
Dr. Mays will participate in a virtual meeting of the Montefiore Medical Center's Clinical and Translational Science Association's Collaborative Engagement Partners for the Advancement of Community...