7. What types of projects are responsive to this Call for Proposals?


The S4A program funds rigorous scientific studies that are designed to evaluate the impact of initiatives that align medical, social, and public health systems. This 2024 call for proposals (CFP) will provide funding for a new cohort of research studies to produce new, actionable evidence for aligning across the three systems to address systemic racism.

Each study funded under this CFP must (1) identify a specific form of systemic racism that limits health and wellbeing for affected populations; and (2) investigate a novel systems alignment strategy for solving the problem that engages relevant representatives from medical care, public health, and social services systems, as described in the S4A Research Agenda. The systems alignment strategy to be studied must engage all three types of systems that comprise the health and social ecosystem in American communities—medical care, public health, and social services. For definitions and examples of systemic racism and potential solutions, please read this review article. Read the full CFPfor more information about this specific funding opportunity.