We define the public health sector to include any organization, program or activity that works to create the conditions in which people can live healthy lives, including activities to prevent disease...
We define the medical care sector to include any organization, program, or service that helps individuals obtain access to clinical services that prevent, treat, or manage diseases and injuries...
We define the social services sector to include any organization, program or service that works to address fundamental human needs in the community and promote social well-being. This sector includes...
The S4A program is interested in aligning delivery systems and/or financing systems that operate within the three broad domains of medical care, public health and social services. Delivery systems...
An alignment mechanism is an action or set of actions that helps medical, social, and public health systems operate in more integrated and coordinated ways, ultimately leading to improved health and...
Systems for Action (S4A) is a signature research program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) that builds a Culture of Health by rigorously testing new ways of connecting the nation’s...