Addressing Barriers: Innovative TANF and Behavioral Health Partnerships in Research and Practice (2017 TANF State Directors Meeting)



Addressing Barriers: Innovative TANF and Behavioral Health Partnerships in Research and Practice

Because many TANF participants have behavioral health barriers, states and counties are creating program models that facilitate access to behavioral health services for those participants. This workshop, held during the 2017 National TANF State Directors' Meeting in Arlington, Va., provided a discussion on an ongoing evaluation of the Building Health and Wealth Network, which provides trauma-informed mental health services for TANF participants. The workshop also included two local examples of partnerships between TANF and mental health services: New York City’s Wellness, Comprehensive Assessment, Rehabilitation and Employment program and TANF Supported Employment Pilots in Washington State.

  • Dr. Mariana Chilton, Associate Professor, Department of Health Management and Policy, Dornsife School of Public Health, Drexel University
  • Melodie Pazolt, Supported Employment and Supported Housing Administrator, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services
  • Grant Collins, Senior Vice President of Workforce Development, Fedcap
  • James Butler, Family Assistance Program Specialist, OFA (Moderator)


Project: The Impact of Integrating Behavioral Health with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families to Build a Culture of Health across Two-Generations
Resource: Event Details
Authors: Chilton M