Aligning Health and Social Systems to Improve Population Health: Networks, Governance and Information (IAPHS 2018)

Presentation Slides


The panel assembled for the Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science 2018 Conference presented research findings from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Systems for Action research program.


Social, economic, and environmental conditions strongly influence population health, but too often the services and supports designed to improve these conditions – such as housing, transportation, or financial assistance – are disconnected from the medical and public health services tasked with improving health.  Delivery and financing systems for medical, social, and public health services operate largely in isolation from each other despite pursuing many common goals and serving overlapping populations. These systems interact in complex and often poorly understood ways through fragmented funding vehicles, information systems, governance and decision-making structures, implementation rules and strategies, and professional practices. New research is needed to untangle these interactions and test novel mechanisms for coordinating health and social services in ways that improve population health.



Project: Public Health Spending and Medicare Resource Use: A Longitudinal Analysis of U.S. Communities
Resource: Download Slides
Authors: Mays GP