Connecting the Systems that Drive Health in Your Community: Medical, Social, and Public Health (Trover Symposium)

Presentation Slides


Dr. Glen Mays will joined experts from around the nation in Madisonville, Ky., for the 9th Annual Dr. Loman C. Trover Symposium. This year the theme was Building Bridges to Impact Community Health and the event drew attendees from the medical, public health, and social service sectors.

Mr. Robert Ramey and Dr. Michael Howard, President and Vice President for Education & Research, respectively of Baptist Health Madisonville, provided the welcome and opening remarks. Hour long sessions covered topics ranging from dental care, opioid addiction, patient navigators, insurance and aligning health systems.


Project: Preventable Death Rates Fell Where Communities Expanded Population Health Activities Through Multisector Networks
Resource: Download Slides
Author: Mays GP