ResProg Webinar: Comprehensive Population Health Systems and Hospital Uncompensated Care Costs



The provision of community benefits in exchange for tax-exemption status for not-for-profit (NFP) hospitals has been a health policy area of interest especially as it relates to the adequacy of benefits provided relative to the amount of foregone governmental tax revenue. This study examines public health system and community factors that affect the level of hospital community benefit levels as measured by hospital uncompensated care costs. Evidence to date of community socioeconomic characteristics and public health system capital factors have on hospital uncompensated care costs will be presented.


C.B. Mamaril, PhD
Research Faculty
Department of Health Management & Policy &
Systems for Action National Coordinating Center
University of Kentucky College of Public Health

Research-in-Progress Webinars Home Page


Unfortunately, there is not a recording available for this webinar due to a technical issue with the conference call system.


Project: The Effect of Uncompensated Care Costs on Hospital Contributions to Population Health Improvement Activities
Resource: Download Slides
Authors: Mamaril CB