ResProg Webinar: Crowding in or Crowding out? Uncompensated Care and Hospital Participation in Community Health Networks



Crowding in or Crowding out? Uncompensated Care and Hospital Participation in Community Health Networks. In this Systems for Action Intramural Research Project, Glen Mays will discuss how to build delivery and financing mechanisms that improve population health. Exactly how strong are the community networks that support public health improvement activities? How do these networks change over time? How do these networks influence health and economic outcomes? Watch this webinar to find out more.


Glen P. Mays, PhD 
Chair of Health Systems, Management & Policy at the Colorado School of Public Health
Director of Systems for Action (S4A)

Research-in-Progress Webinars Home Page



Project: The Effect of Uncompensated Care Costs on Hospital Contributions to Population Health Improvement Activities
Resource: Download Slides