A Study of a Cross-Sector Collaboration in Response to the Medical Service Needs of Homelessness: The Case of Continuum of Care (CoC) Homeless Network (ASPA 2018)



The American Society for Public Administration's Annual Conference is public administration's premier event of the year. Bringing together almost 1,300 practitioners, scholars and students to join theory with practice and share current trends and information with each other, this is the place to be to keep up to date on ongoing movements in the discipline. Drs. Valero and Jang presented their preliminary findings at the 2018 conference. Download slides from blue box.


Project: Integrating Cross-Sectoral Health and Social Services for the Homeless
Type: Presentations (Oral or Poster)
Resource: Download
Authors: Valero J, Jang HS
Date: 03/13/2018