Closing Gaps in Health and Social Services for Low-Income Pregnant Women

American cities face stubbornly large racial disparities in infant mortality, preterm and low birthweight births along with unacceptable rates of maternal mortality. The Los Angeles Maternity Assessment Management Access and Service (MAMA) program is an innovative, multi-sector initiative that seeks to address the constellation of social factors that contribute to adverse maternal and infant outcomes, including housing instability, food insecurity, untreated mental health conditions, domestic violence, and substance abuse. A research team led by Los Angeles County will test the effectiveness of the program’s four major components: (1) a health home care management model, (2) peer and community support, (3) flexible funding for non-medical services, and (4) an advanced health information technology platform. The team will partner with University of Southern California Children’s Data Network, Public Health Foundation Enterprises WIC (Women, Infants & Children), and the county offices for health services, child protection, and probation to conduct the study.

Principal Investigators:
Irene Vidyanti, PhD
Data Scientist, Los Angeles County Chief Information Office

William Nicholas, PhD, MPH
Director, Center for Health Impact Evaluation, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health


Project Details:
Year: 2019
Primary Investigator: $171,400
Status: Inactive