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43 results found

Organizing and Financing Population Health: Systems, Policies and Incentives

Overview Dr. Mays present Delivery and Financing Systems for Population Health: Networks, Incentives, and Policy at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Population Health Workforce Initiative meeting. This workshop for the CDC's new Population Health Fellowship program reviews the...

Public Health System Capital and its Health and Economic Returns

Overview Dr. Mays traveled to Virginia to present Public Health System Capital and its Health and Economic Returns during the Public Health Accreditation Board Quarterly Meeting. A growing body of research indicates that strong community networks supporting multi-sector contributions to population...

The Strength of Multi-Sector Delivery Systems for Population Health (CMMI)

Overview Dr. Mays presented Income, Life Expectancy, and the Strength of Multi-Sector Networks for Population Health before the Prevention and Population Health Group at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation Center (CMMI) in Baltimore, Md. Landmark research by Raj Chetty and colleagues...

Blog: System and Services Research for Better Health

Overview The research project was featured in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation blog in a post titled, “System and Services Research for Better Health” on April 18, 2017. The full post can be read here. Details Project: Financing and Service Delivery Integration for Mental Illness and Substance...