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322 results found

WEBINAR: Financing and Service Delivery Integration for Mental Illness and Substance Abuse

Building on integrated data sources from Arizona’s medical, mental health, and criminal justice systems, this project explores opportunities to better coordinate services for persons with mental illness and/or substance abuse disorders. Using interactive system dynamics modeling and network analysis...

WEBINAR: Financing and Service Delivery Integration for Mental Illness and Substance Abuse

Building on integrated data sources from Arizona’s medical, mental health, and criminal justice systems, this project explores opportunities to better coordinate services for persons with mental illness and/or substance abuse disorders. Using interactive system dynamics modeling and network analysis...

PRESENTATION: Dr. Mays at NACDD's Chronic Disease Academy

The National Association of Chronic Disease Directors, an ASTHO affiliate, helps state-level chronic disease prevention and health promotion units grow in evidenced-based organizational/administrative practices and increase their public health practice effectiveness. NACDD is hosting a Chronic...

WEBINAR: Implementing a Culture of Health among Delaware's Probation Population

Individuals under the U.S. probation system have higher incidences of health conditions including substance abuse and mental illness and are less likely to access health care and other social services, such as education, transportation, employment, and housing, than those not involved in the system...