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48 results found

New Studies Aim to Save Lives and Money by Connecting Health and Social Systems

LEXINGTON, KY (January 23, 2018)— Systems for Action is proud to announce the funding of eleven new studies. With $1.85 million in funding support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation , these new studies will help medical care providers, social services agencies, and public health organizations...

Blog: The Center for Hunger-Free Communities Network

Overview The Building Wealth and Health Network is an opportunity for parents and caregivers of young children to increase their income and savings, improve health and wellbeing, shape their own futures, and to do so in a community of their peers. Click here to access the blog. >> Details Project...

Doctor Patient Relationship (EconTalk)

Overview Physician David Meltzer of the University of Chicago talked about the power of the doctor-patient relationship with EconTalk host Russ Roberts . Meltzer, who also has a Ph.D. in economics, discussed a controlled experiment he has overseen to measure the importance of maintaining the...

Brown School Awarded Systems for Action Grant to Improve Child Welfare

Overview While collaboration among community stakeholders shows promise in addressing service gaps, little is known about the effectiveness of such approaches. This research project advances the Systems for Action initiative of the RWJF by investigating a recently funded multi-sector "outside-in"...

Atherly Receives RWJ Grant to Study Vermont Community Health Teams

Overview A new, three-year grant from Systems for Action will allow members of the UVM Center for Health Services Research (CHSR) at the Larner College of Medicine, led by center director and Professor of Medicine Adam Atherly, Ph.D., to explore the effectiveness of community health teams in...