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Presentation - Runaway and Homeless Youth Special Interest Group Presentation

Presentation at the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Conference 2024 based on the article published in the special issue of Journal of Adolescent Health " Youth-Driven Systems Alignment Strategies to Optimize Health Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness". Presenter was Janna R. Gewirtz...

7. What types of projects are responsive to this Call for Proposals?

The S4A program funds rigorous scientific studies that are designed to evaluate the impact of initiatives that align medical, social, and public health systems. This 2025 call for proposals (CFP) will provide funding for a new cohort of research studies to produce new, actionable evidence for...

19. How will my proposal be evaluated?

Applications will be reviewed by a review panel that includes members of the S4A National Advisory Committee, S4A staff, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation staff, and System Alignment Innovation Hub staff. See the CFP for the specific review criteria.

Carrington Lott

As Deputy Director, Ms. Lott plays a key role in the financial, operational and strategic leadership of the National Program Office. She manages the daily operations including grant-related communication, the development of key relationships with stakeholders, coordination with the Robert Word Johnson Foundation on grant activities, assisting with research translation and dissemination efforts, and managing the Call for Proposal process. Ms. Lott received her MPH from the Colorado School of Public Health and BS from Mississippi State University. Ms. Lott is passionate about health equity and exploring ways to align systems that dismantle systemic and structural racism. Outside of work, Ms. Lott enjoys getting outdoors in beautiful Colorado to bike, run, and hike with her family.