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947 results found

WEBINAR: Community Complex Care Response Team to Improve Geriatric Public Health Outcomes

Elder abuse and neglect (EA/N) is a public health and safety epidemic with impacts in emergency department utilization, nursing home placement, mortality, and financial losses. Vulnerability has been shown to be highly correlated with EA/N victimization, yet research is lacking on interventions...

WEBINAR: Financing and Service Delivery Integration for Mental Illness and Substance Abuse

Building on integrated data sources from Arizona’s medical, mental health, and criminal justice systems, this project explores opportunities to better coordinate services for persons with mental illness and/or substance abuse disorders. Using interactive system dynamics modeling and network analysis...

Doctor Patient Relationship (EconTalk)

Overview Physician David Meltzer of the University of Chicago talked about the power of the doctor-patient relationship with EconTalk host Russ Roberts. Meltzer, who also has a Ph.D. in economics, discussed a controlled experiment he has overseen to measure the importance of maintaining the...