Getting to Coordinated, Comprehensive, Centered Health Care (WVON Community Health Focus Hour Podcast)


In an ongoing effort to address health issues that affect communities on the South Side and beyond, the University of Chicago Medicine is launched another season of the Community Health Focus Hour on WVON 1690 AM. Entering its eighth season, the show featured topics on diet and nutrition, adult attention deficit disorder, heart health, diabetes, arthritis and memory loss, among many others.

During the episode on June 16, Dr. Edwin McDonald, IV, interviewed Drs. Ram Krishnamoorthi, Nicole Gier, and Justine Kabre discussed the benefits of the Comprehensive Care, Community, and Culture Program (C4P) model.



Project: The Comprehensive Care, Community, and Culture Program
Person Interviewed: Krishnamoorthie R, Gier N, Kabre J
Interview Date: 06/16/2018
Resource: Listen
Authors: McDonald, E
Date: 06/16/2018