The Comprehensive Care, Community, and Culture Program

A health care system that fails to appreciate the need for public health and public policies that address social determinants of health is fundamentally limited. To address the complex dimensions and determinants of health, efforts to improve health must extend to sectors far beyond traditional health care. The principal investigators and a multidisciplinary team of experts from public health, spatial analysis, health disparities, policy, information technology, children’s health, and participatory research are developing, testing, and scaling interventions to improve the lives of urban residents as part of a cross-sectoral approach in health, poverty, crime, education, and energy and environment, and are specifically:

  • piloting a randomized controlled trial to establish and begin to evaluate a new model of care – the Comprehensive Care, Community and Culture Program (C4P);
  • engaging local, state and national stakeholders in the dissemination of the results by building on strong previously established relationships and by engaging the insights of C4P participants to inform these activities, and ultimately to improve health for vulnerable populations while reducing health care costs.

Principal Investigators

  • David Meltzer, MD, PhD, Chief, Section of Hospital Medicine, Director, Center for Health and Social Sciences, School of Public Policy, University of Chicago
  • Harold Pollack, PhD, Professor, School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago


The research team is utilizing a randomized controlled trial to compare standard care to the Comprehensive Care, Community, and Culture Program (C4P).

Project Details

Year: 2016
Status: Active
Primary Investigator: David Meltzer