Trying to Put a Value on the Doctor-Patient Relationship (Article in The Health Issue of The New York Times Magazine)

doctor-patient-relationship Overview

Residents in the Chicago metro area are benefiting from research conducted by Drs. David Meltzer and Harold Pollack at the University of Chicago School of Medicine and Urban Labs, a Collaborative Research Center funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). Their team of multidisciplinary researchers pilot tested a randomized controlled trial to evaluate a new model of care now known as the Comprehensive Care, Community, and Culture Program (C4P), a project funded by the Systems for Action (S4A) National Program Office of RWJF. The new model builds upon previous research conducted by Dr. Meltzer and his team with the Comprehensive Care Program (CCP). Patients enrolled in the programs are hospitalized 20 percent less than their counterparts in the control-group.

Both the CCP and C4P initiatives were recently featured in The New York Times Magazine article “Trying to Put a Value on the Doctor-Patient Relationship” by Kim Tingley. The author spent several years investigating how a return to a more personalized delivery of health care services may improve health outcomes.    

The S4A National Program Office leadership and grantees would like to congratulate Drs. Meltzer and Pollack on the media coverage their center has received.  You may follow their research on the S4A website or via the links provided below:


Project: The Comprehensive Care, Community, and Culture Program
Person Interviewed: Dr. David Meltzer
Resource: Article
Authors: Tingley K
Date: 05/20/2018