20. What type of investigators should apply?


We are looking for research teams from diverse health and social service fields that have expertise in the three broad types of delivery and financing systems implicated in the S4A research agenda: (1) medical care; (2) public health; and (3) social and community services and supports. This includes investigators from a variety of areas and disciplines, including but not limited to medicine, public health, social work, sociology, business, economics, education, transportation, housing, criminal justice, communication, public policy, political science, system science, and urban planning and community development. Because S4A is a research program, all applicants should ensure their team includes individuals with relevant expertise in scientific research design, data analysis methodologies, and scientific publication. Applicants from non-academic settings that do not have an embedded research unit are strongly encouraged to partner with a research institution to provide this expertise.

We especially encourage applications that include individuals having backgrounds and life experiences that are underrepresented on research teams.