37. Do I need community partners for this funding opportunity?


The simple answer is “Yes” and also “the more partners, the better.” We encourage research-community partnerships to ensure that your research team has the necessary scientific expertise, systems knowledge, implementation capacity, and community expertise to carry out the proposed research.  Community partners are likely to be essential in identifying forms of systemic racism that can be addressed plausibly through multi-sector collective action, and developing innovative System Alignment Strategies to address these problems and meet the needs of people experiencing systemic racism.  Community partners are also likely to be essential in developing a feasible, relevant and responsive research design to study the implementation and/or impact of the System Alignment Strategy.  Finally, community partners are likely to be essential in interpreting research results and developing action strategies based on these results to dismantle and disrupt systemic racism beyond the study settings.   S4A focuses on aligning the efforts of medical, social and public health systems, so you will benefit by having community partners located in each of these types of systems -- especially community partners that serve people experiencing forms of systemic racism that operate through these systems.  Of course, all partners should play active and equitable roles in the research design, interpretation of results, and translation of results into actionable strategies for dismantling and disrupting systemic racism.