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Resident Experiences With a Place-Based Collaboration to Address Health and Social Inequities: A Survey of Visitors to the East Harlem Neighborhood Health Action Center

Dannefer, Rachel, Luke Sleiter, Jessie Lopez, Jaime Gutierrez, Carl Letamendi, Padmore John, and Zinzi Bailey. 2022. “Resident Experiences With a Place-Based Collaboration to Address Health and Social Inequities: A Survey of Visitors to the East Harlem Neighborhood Health Action Center”. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing.

ResProg Webinar | Systems in Focus Panel: Local Public Health Governing Boards

The COVID-19 pandemic vividly demonstrates that public health agencies are called upon to develop and implement high-consequence policies and programs in the context of imperfect information and considerable uncertainty. Organizations operating in such circumstances are likely to benefit from the...