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259 results found
Getting from here to there: health IT needs for population health
Vest, Joshua R., et al. “Getting from Here to There: Health IT Needs for Population Health.” The American Journal of Managed Care, vol. 22, no. 12, Dec. 2016, pp. 827–29. Details Resource: Article Related: Grantee Research Project
Preventable Death Rates Fell Where Communities Expanded Population Health Activities Through Multisector Networks
Mays, Glen P., et al. “Preventable Death Rates Fell Where Communities Expanded Population Health Activities Through Multisector Networks.” Health Affairs (Project Hope), vol. 35, no. 11, Nov. 2016, pp. 2005–13, Details Resource: Article Nalsys Related...
Hospital Contributions to the Delivery of Public Health Activities in US Metropolitan Areas: National and Longitudinal Trends
Hogg, Rachel A., et al. “Hospital Contributions to the Delivery of Public Health Activities in US Metropolitan Areas: National and Longitudinal Trends.” American Journal of Public Health, vol. 105, no. 8, Aug. 2015, pp. 1646–52, Details Resource: Article...
About Us
Systems for Action (S4A) Research Program: Systems for Action (S4A) is a national research program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and based at the Colorado School of Public Health at the University of Colorado. As program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, we are working towards a...
Strengthening the Carrying Capacity of Local Health and Social Service Agencies to Absorb Increased Hospital/Clinical Referrals
As hospitals and clinics increase screenings for social determinants of health (SDOH), referrals to agencies that provide services to address these needs also will increase. However, questions remain about the ability of nonprofits and other “community resources” to absorb these increased referrals...
Weaving the Tasina Luta: A Community-Based Participatory Research Approach to Implementation and Engagment with a Tribal Public Health Plan
Native American communities experience many obstacles to health and well-being due to adverse social, economic, and environmental conditions. Few tribal public health programs are financed adequately to surmount these obstacles. Fewer still are locally financed and managed. This study will elicit...
Implementing a Culture of Health among Delaware's Probation Population
Individuals under the U.S. probation system have higher incidences of health conditions including substance abuse and mental illness and are less likely to access health care and other social services, such as education, transportation, employment, and housing, than those not involved in the system...
Testing of a Community Complex Care Response Team to Improve Geriatric Public Health Outcomes
Elder abuse and neglect (EA/N) is a public health and safety epidemic with impacts in emergency department utilization, nursing home placement, mortality, and financial losses. Vulnerability has been shown to be highly correlated with EA/N victimization, yet research is lacking on interventions...
Housing for Health: Assessing the Cross-Sector Impacts of Providing Permanent Supportive Housing to Homeless High Utilizers of Health Care Services
Homeless individuals experience a higher risk for mortality, chronic illness and mental health disorders, and are often high utilizers of healthcare. The Housing for Health (HFH) initiative, created in 2012 by the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS), is designed to reduce...