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240 results found

Implementing a Culture of Health among Delaware's Probation Population

Individuals under the U.S. probation system have higher incidences of health conditions including substance abuse and mental illness and are less likely to access health care and other social services, such as education, transportation, employment, and housing, than those not involved in the system...

Addressing the Health and Social Needs of Justice-Involved Young Adults

Involvement with the criminal justice system increases markedly during the transition from youth to adulthood in the United States. Providing targeted services and supports to vulnerable emerging adults during this transition may be an effective way of reducing the conditions and behaviors that lead...

Closing Gaps in Health and Social Services for Low-Income Pregnant Women

American cities face stubbornly large racial disparities in infant mortality, preterm and low birthweight births along with unacceptable rates of maternal mortality. The Los Angeles Maternity Assessment Management Access and Service (MAMA) program is an innovative, multi-sector initiative that seeks...