23. Does my LOI need to describe a proposed System Alignment Strategy that will be tested and evaluated?


S4A is highly interested in studies that will test novel System Alignment Strategies and produce new scientific evidence about the feasibility, acceptability, and/or impact of these strategies in dismantling and disrupting systemic racism. HOWEVER, S4A is also interested in studies that can improve our understanding of specific forms of systemic racism that operate within or affect medical, social and public health systems, and fill important gaps in scientific knowledge about these forms of racism and how to disrupt them – as noted in Special Topics of Interest #1, described on Page 3 of the CFP document. If your LOI addresses Special Topic #1, your study might not focus on a specific systems alignment strategy. Instead, your study must identify important gaps in scientific knowledge and evidence about forms of systemic racism, describe how these gaps will be addressed by the proposed new research, and indicate how the new research will inform the development of new system alignment strategies to address systemic racism.