17. Can an organization submit multiple proposals?

Yes, an organization may submit more than one proposal as long as each proposal submitted is distinct in terms of both project and research team.

16. Do the eligibility requirements for applicant organizations also apply to partners?

No, but subcontracts or partner relationships with for-profit entities or entities based outside the United States may require additional financial and/or legal due diligence.

15. What types of organizations are eligible for funding?

Applicants must be either public entities or nonprofit organizations that are tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and are not private foundations or non-functionally...

14. What is the deadline for submitting Letters of Intent (LOIs)?

LOIs must be submitted through the RWJF online system by February 7th, 2024 at 3:00pm ET. Late applications will not be permitted. You will be required to register at MYRWJF at https://my.rwjf.org bef...

13. Can this grant funding be used for implementation funding?

This CFP is not appropriate for applicants who primarily seek funding to implement their proposed solution. Because S4A is a research program, grantees are expected to use all or most of their grant...

12. What types of studies are considered rigorous scientific studies?

As a research program, S4A highly values scientific rigor in the studies that it supports.

  • Applications for the Developmental Studies award category must use relevant approaches for evaluating...
11. What is health equity?

Health equity is achieved when everyone has the opportunity to live their healthiest life possible regardless of who they are, where they live, or how much money they make. Funded studies must focus...

10. Can I submit LOIs for both a Developmental Award and an Impact Award?

An applicant organization may submit more than one LOI as long as each LOI is distinct in terms of the study aims, scientific approach and research team. The Impact Award category is open only to...

9. Can applicants propose to study system alignment strategies that are implemented in settings outside the U.S.?

The S4A program focuses on building evidence about system alignment strategies that are successful in advancing health equity in American communities.  We recognize that promising ideas for system...

8. Should projects focus on all three sectors (medical, social, and public health) or can you focus on only two sectors for alignment?

Studies must evaluate proposed solutions that engage all three types of systems implicated in the S4A research agenda: 1) medical care; 2) public health; and 3) social services.