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Data Share Session for the SRQ Clinic-to-Community Study

Overview Referrals from clinical settings to social services in the Sarasota, FL community increased during COVID. This Systems for Action study investigates how the local community is handling the increased need for capacity. A community survey was conducted over the spring and summer of 2021...

PRESENTATION: Dr. Mays to Speak at CDC's Population Health Workforce Initiative

Dr. Mays will present Delivery and Financing Systems for Population Health: Networks, Incentives, and Policy at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Population Health Workforce Initiative meeting. The day long meeting will provide the incoming Population Health Fellows with an overview...

PRESENTATION: Dr. Mays to Speak at CDC's Seminar on Public Health Economics

Dr. Mays will present The Economics of Multi-Sector Alliances for Population Health Improvement at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Seminar on Public Health Economics. Various national experts will gather in Atlanta to meet with CDC economists to review their work, discuss the...

New Studies Aim to Save Lives and Money by Connecting Health and Social Systems

LEXINGTON, KY (January 23, 2018)— Systems for Action is proud to announce the funding of eleven new studies. With $1.85 million in funding support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation , these new studies will help medical care providers, social services agencies, and public health organizations...

WEBINAR: The Comprehensive Care, Community, and Culture Program

Building on integrated data sources from Arizona’s medical, mental health, and criminal justice systems, this project explores opportunities to better coordinate services for persons with mental illness and/or substance abuse disorders. Using interactive system dynamics modeling and network analysis...