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821 results found

Individual Research Project- Cohort 3- Benefits Data Trust

A vast majority of older Americans who are eligible for federal nutrition assistance programming remained unenrolled, placing them at increased risk of food insecurity and its associated adverse health conditions and healthcare costs. A research team led by Benefits Data Trust will study the health...

Individual Research Project- Cohort 3- Ohio State University

Children affected by the opioid epidemic need a complex array of services and supports to safeguard their health and wellbeing, including child protective services, legal representation, educational services, comprehensive physical and mental health care, and often foster care placement coupled with...

Individual Research Project- Cohort 3- Cornell University

For many mental health conditions, effective programs to restore health and social functioning require collaborative efforts that go far beyond the healthcare sector. Individuals who are newly diagnosed with psychosis often require a carefully coordinated mix of specialty services including...

Individual Research Project- Cohort 2020-Johns Hopkins

This study examines how the allocation of resources across medical, social, and public health services at the county level influences the relative success in controlling the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic. The project focuses on resource allocation decisions across sectors as a collective...

1. What is Systems for Action?

Systems for Action (S4A) is a signature research program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) that builds a Culture of Health by rigorously testing new ways of connecting the nation’s fragmented medical, social, and public health systems. Health is shaped by a complex web of social, economic...

Research by Topic

Systems for Action (S4A) grantees are working in a broad range of research areas to identify effective strategies for aligning medical, social, and public health systems in ways that promote health equity in American communities. Below we highlight grantee work on a handful of topics. S4A will...