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821 results found

Overview of the Systems Alignment Innovation Hub

The Systems Alignment Innovation Hub (SAIH) is a nationwide project launched in November 2022 to help medical, social service, and public health providers in low-income and BIPOC communities dismantle inequities and improve health and well-being for all. SAIH, housed within Technical Assistance...

Achieving Reach in Youth Behavioral Health and Wellness through Catchment-Area Community Governance

This study, funded as part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Systems for Action research program, evaluates the feasibility of the Youth Wellness Hub as a hyper-local community governance model for integrating delivery and financing systems for youth behavioral health and wellness services. The Youth Wellness Hub combines three social policy tools that are separately promising or well-supported in the research literature: community governance; public health education campaigns; and service network coordination through fiscal blending.

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Please email the Systems for Action team at to request the NALSYS dataset. You will need to provide your IRB determination and we request that you sign a Data Use Agreement form (to be provided by the Systems for Action team).


Karen Minyard, Ph.D. , has led the Georgia Health Policy Center since 2001 and is a research professor with the Department of Public Management and Policy in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University. Her research interests include financing and evaluation of health...


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